Flags half-staff for Minnesotan and former Vice President Mondale

Minnesota has lowered its flags to half-staff until the sunset of former Vice President Walter Mondale’s interment day as a sign of respect for his life and contributions, following an order from Governor Tim Walz last night. This act of remembrance aligns with President Joe Biden’s national proclamation and extends to individuals, businesses, and organizations throughout Minnesota.

Governor Walz expressed his profound sorrow on Monday, stating, “Minnesota and our nation are grieving the loss of a cherished leader. Gwen and I are deeply saddened by the passing of our friend and guide.”

He continued, “Walter Mondale devoted his life to building a compassionate, soulful, and conscientious America. He championed the greatness inherent in our nation’s everyday people and fought for these ideals until his last moments, inspiring us to carry on his legacy.”

“We will deeply miss Fritz Mondale, a guiding force for both significant and modest ideas, for the influential and the marginalized, and for unfulfilled justice.”

Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan also shared her thoughts, recalling, “One of my first memories is urging my kindergarten peers to have their parents vote for Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro in 1984. I am forever proud that Minnesota supported him.”

She added, “Vice President Mondale was like family to me. He was closely connected to my grandmother, Mary Hartmann, a dedicated DFL member, even speaking at her funeral. My first political involvement was with Senator Paul Wellstone’s campaign, where Mondale stepped in after Paul’s passing.”

Flanagan continued, “My mother, who worked for Hubert Humphrey’s 1968 presidential campaign, taught me that government and leaders should improve lives. That’s what Walter Mondale achieved.”

Vice President Walter Mondale Dies at 93

“During our last conversation, Mondale offered me encouragement, perhaps understanding the challenges of public service. He made a touching remark about my grandmother’s pride in me,” she recalled.

“Walter Mondale has been a guiding light and mentor for many in Minnesota and across the nation, inspiring public service. His passing in this difficult week for Minnesota reminds us to strive for betterment despite our flaws.”

She concluded, “Thank you, Fritz. I imagine a joyous reunion with Joan and Eleanor.”